Description: Falco were appointed by the Ferrovial Laing O’Rourke Thames Tideway Tunnel joint venture as an approved contractor by both Thames Water and UKPN to install electrical ducting and construct a temporary sub-station base.
The works involved the excavation of trenches and installation of approximately 200 metres of 2-way ducting from the Lister Hospital to site.
We excavated, installed and reinstated approximately 50 metres of six-way ducting from around the weir works on the work site and installed six access chambers – four within the work site and two within Chelsea Embankment’s north and south footpath outside of both work sites. All areas around chambers were reinstated.
The team also completed the excavation, installation, and reinstatement of two 2 sqm shafts to a depth of 2.5 metres to locate the remaining UKPN telecoms service within the northern footpath. UKPN were able to use these shafts to carry out the jointing and pulling of new service to navigate around work site construction works.
Finally we constructed a reinforced concrete UKPN substation foundation with raft foundation and earthling installation.
Client Testimonial
Falco carried out the works in a very professional manner delivering the works to the required quality and met the time and cost deliverables with an excellent safety culture throughout. It is a great advantage for us to have a subcontractor with expertise in both power and water disciplines